Legal Notice
1.- Right of information
In conformity with the provisions regulating the right of information in Law 34/2002 of 11th of July on Services for the Information Society and Electronic Commerce (LSSI), we inform you that the Site is owned by TELECOMING, S.A (hereinafter, TELECOMING) is a company incorporated in accordance with Spanish legislation, with registered office in Torre Europa, Paseo de la Castellana, 95, 16th floor, 28046 Madrid (Spain), with VAT number A-64067549 and registered in the Mercantile Register of Madrid, volume 27.475, Sheet 158, Page M-495132, Section 8.You can contact us by sending an email to the following address:
2.- Users
By accessing and/or using the Site you shall be regarded as a User thus legally bound by this Legal Notice.
3.- Use of the Site
The User accepts the responsibility derived from the use of the Site. This responsibility also applies to the registry that might be necessary to access the Contents or Services offered by TELECOMING.The User commits himself to use, in an adequate manner, the Contents and Services offered by TELECOMING on the Site. The User must not use the Contents and Services with the purpose of (i) carrying out activities deemed illegal, unlawful or contrary to good faith and public order; (ii) damaging the physical or logical systems property of TELECOMING, its suppliers or third parties; (iii) introduce or spread computer viruses or any other physical or logical system capable of producing the abovementioned damages. Please bear in mind that this is a non- exhaustive list.
4.- Intellectual Property
TELECOMING, S.A is the holder of all Intellectual Property rights of its Site, together with all the elements containing (non-exhaustively) images, sounds, audio clips, video, software or texts; brands or logotypes, combinations of colours, structure and design, selection of used materials, computer programs required for its functioning, access and use, etc. All contents have reserved rights.In conformity with the provisions stated in the Royal Decree 1/1996 of 12thof April -which passes the Intellectual Property Act- the reproduction, distribution and public communication, including the disposal of all or part of the Contents, with commercial purposes, in any format and by any technical means without the authorization of TELECOMING, shall be prohibited.The User must respect all Intellectual Property Rights held by TELECOMING, S.A.
5.-Responsibility and Guarantee
TELECOMING has adopted all the necessary measures that, within its means and the technological developments, allow a correct functioning of the Site and guarantee the absence of viruses and other harmful elements. Nevertheless, TELECOMING shall not be responsible for: (a) the continuity and availability of Contents and Services; (b) the absence of errors within those Contents, or the correction of any defect that might occur; (c) the absence of viruses and/or other harmful components; (d) damages caused by any person infringing the security systems of TELECOMING.TELECOMING may suspend temporarily and without previous notice, the accessibility to the Site due to maintenance, repair, update or improvement. In such case, the User would be notified in advance of the expected suspension date, provided that circumstances allow it.TELECOMING shall not be responsible for any links to the websites of other companies available on the Site. These links may transfer the User to websites over which TELECOMING has no control. Therefore, the User shall access the contents available on other websites at his own risk and responsibility, and under the Terms and Conditions that govern such websites.TELECOMING shall not be liable for the use of the Contents and Services available on the Site made by the Users. In addition, TELECOMING cannot guarantee that the use of the Contents and Services by Users is made pursuant to the present Legal Notice or in a diligent manner.
6.- Length and modification
TELECOMING. reserves the right to revise its Legal Notice at any time. We therefore encourage you to review it regularly in order to access the most recent version.

Paseo de la Castellana 95
Planta 16 - 28046 MADRID